Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How the IoT Internet of Things Can Be Good for Small Businesses

Every business and technologically-oriented person has heard of the Internet of Things (IoT) by now, and how small devices will do things we never thought were possible. The Internet of Things has been closely linked with the rise of the smart home, where someone could ideally jumpstart their coffee maker and lights from their smartphone.
The real growth of the Internet of Things will occur with businesses, where it can work together with big data to make things more efficient. A basic example of the Internet of Things comes from BP,which for years has distributed thousands of wearables as part of its corporate wellness program to have a better idea of their employees’ health and thus reduce health insurance costs. Small businesses stand to be the biggest beneficiary of the IoT, as it will let them catch up with many of the advantages which a large corporation have dominated until now.
Here are some of the advantages which the Internet of Things can offer any business, as well as how to prepare your business for this technological revolution.

The Power of Data

Analysts have been talking about big data even more than the IoT, but so many businesses seem to think that big data is for big businesses who can afford huge amounts of servers. The Internet of Things will change that.
IoT is fundamentally about the idea that all sorts of objects which you would have never thought of connecting to the Internet 10 or 20 years ago like watches or refrigerators or lights can now be connected. But the most important thing about this is that through these connections, each and every one of these devices will emit data which can be used to improve a business’s efficiency.
Take those aforementioned smart lights for example. Many businesses and reporters have pointed out how the Internet of Things could use smart lights and data to improve energy efficiency by gathering data on how much heating, cooling, and lights are needed at any particular moment. Data about energy usage once had to be done by a maintenance worker checking the amount of power consumed once a month. Now it can be done in real time. And most importantly for small business, it requires sensors and devices which anyone can get their hands on.
Of course, small businesses will have to confront the challenge of storing mountains of data produced by the Internet of Things, which some experts predict will reach 600 zeta bytes or 600 trillion gigabytes by 2020. Fortunately, small businesses can adjust to this explosion of data by migrating away from traditional data servers and embracing 

Innovation and Creative Thinking

Data in and of itself is useless if a small business leader cannot come up with creative solutions to leverage the information.
As an example Inc. talks about the Avontech farms as to how a small business can use the IoT to improve their business. Avon uses the data gathered by sensors placed in tiny recording device to regulate feeding, monitor oxygen levels and other environmental factors to alert them in advance of when things might be going on, and continually looks for new, efficient means to use the data gathered by their sensors.
Another example of IoT benefits include customer service. As noted above, some businesses like Aquaco use IoT sensors to detect when a device is about to fail or reaching dangerous parameters. But if a business put their sensors in a device they sell to customers, they could tell the customers when said device is about to fail and offer a replacement. While customer service in the past looks to fix a customer’s problems, customer service with the IoT could head off those problems before they become serious. By rewarding innovation and creativity, the IoT will thus reward small businesses who can more quickly and efficiently carry out new ideas and concepts.
The IoT for many has been an esoteric concept where a lot of technology is hyped out but nothing actually changes in our normal lives. But as engines of innovation and practically, small businesses are the vehicle that can truly bring the IoT to its full potential, as they use the data gathered to come up with far more solutions and changes than larger corporations can.
The Internet of Things is a continual process where additional data leads to solutions which encourages the spread of data which leads to further solutions. Small businesses will find the solutions to problems which we do not even know are problems today.

Tips for a fresher to start investing in stocks/Equity

Tips for a fresher to start investing in stocks/Equity
Equity Trading is not a for fun it is a serious game. When you start reading and learning about it, you will see that it is a profession in itself. Before investing, an individual needs to know a few basics and risks associated with it. This has to be done before you start to trade on real time stock markets.

This requirement of knowledge about stocks and stock markets make it seem like a daunting task for beginners. Here are 6 tips to give you a better idea about stock markets and get you started on this investment journey:

*      Don’t Invest Your Savings: Stock markets are known to be high-risk investments where there is no guarantee of receiving your principal investment back. Hence, it is wise to not get sucked into the lure of higher returns. It is advised to invest in the stock market only once you have other savings that are more secure. Having fairly secured your future, you can then afford risks and make a move towards the stock market.
*       Keep a Long-Term Goal: Stock markets are volatile in the short term but over the long term period they are less risky and offer better overall returns. Holding stocks for a longer time period is more likely to get you great returns. Hence, it is better to invest in stocks with a long term view rather than a short term one. It is a good idea to lock in money which you won’t be needing in the near future. This way if you sell the stocks when the prices are down you may lose money at the start but over the years the stocks tend to catch up.
*      Maintain Investment Discipline: Fluctuations in prices are nothing new within the stock market. This volatility in the market sometimes causes the investors to lose their money. Also, timing the market in such conditions becomes a tough task. To avoid losing your money can have adopt a disciplined approach towards investing. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) are one way of doing so. When you have discipline and patience in monitoring your portfolio, chances of generating great returns become brighter.
*       Manage Risk & Money Wisely: As an Investor, you cannot control the market but surely you can manage their money in every transaction you make. Even if you have a good trading strategy it can be all for nothing. You need to have money left in your investment as well. One of the best technique of managing your invested money is by using the stop loss tool.
When the threshold value of your investment reaches between 5-15% the stop loss tool will automatically trigger an order. This order will release the investment and avoid further loss.

*       Hold Diversified Portfolio: The stock market is filled with companies from various sectors and fields offering many services. Diversify your stocks into different industries. This way if one industry of your investment is down performing, another might shoot up. You should focus on stocks of reputed companies that offer more guaranteed returns. However, keep a few stocks of newer companies that you trust to grow. This way you can maximize your profits with their future growth.

          Remember a Stock is a Company: No matter whether you earn or lose it is important to remember the basic idea behind this investment. You are investing in a company that you trust and hope will grow in future. Hence, do not get caught thinking of stocks as a game or gamble. Your money is invested in a real company, where real work has to be done for your investment to grow. It is, therefore, important for you to find out all you can about the company and find a right estimate of its future potential. You should also consider whether these goals align with your own investment goals. 

Courtesy : Websearch .

PET bottles , Can bottles be reused ??? Busted the myths

4 Secrets of Water Bottles No One Wants You to Know

We all drink water from plastic bottles, but do you know what dark secrets are under the cap?

 Why we shouldn’t reuse plastic bottles

A plastic bottle can exude dangerous chemicals. Pay attention to the special signs on the bottom: those numbered triangles indicate which kind of plastic was used.
A bottle labeled 1 (PET or PETE) is only safe for a single use. When exposed to oxygen or high temperatures, including sun heat, such a bottle will discharge toxic substances that get into the water.Avoid bottles labeled 3 or 7 (PVC and PC) as they exude toxic chemicals able to penetrate your food and drinks, and lengthy exposure can even result in severe health problems.

Bottles made of polyethylene (2 and 4) and polypropylene (5 and PP) are suitable for multiple uses. They’re relatively safe if you only store cold water in them and regularly disinfect them.
3. Bacteria and basic hygiene breaches

Drinking water from a used plastic bottle is almost the same as licking a toilet seat, a dog’s toy, or even worse scientists say. The amount of bacteria in such bottles often exceeds safety limits. We create the perfect growth conditions ourselves by taking the bottle with dirty hands, not rinsing it thoroughly enough, and keeping warm water in it.
What to do then? Wash bottles regularly with warm soapy water, vinegar, or antibacterial mouthwash.

Even with washing the bottles thoroughly, we may still get food poisoning or even hepatitis A. Research showed that most bacteria live on bottle necks that you can’t wash well enough. Twist caps and sliding caps teem with germs that you swallow along with water. To be on the safe side, use a straw.
2. Where does your water come from?

A lot of companies love to mention on their packaging that the water you buy comes from a picturesque stream. But the truth is a lot of times the water you buy in a bottle is identical to the water you get from your faucet at home!
Actually, you can even see that on the bottle itself, usually in a tiny text that everybody neglects. Companies are obliged to explain that the source of water for them is the main water supply channel. That way the water costs way, way less than what you are paying for it!

1. Not really healthy

Not even mentioning the bacteria hazard, there are common misconceptions about water.
Bottled water companies want to attract the new market of young and sporty people. So they advertise bottled water with different tastes added to it, claiming "it’s healthier for you" than other sugary drinks.

Courtesy : Brightside.


Investing in any investment avenue requires some basic know-how on your part – the investor. Simply going by what friends and family says can do more harm than good to your hard-earned money. Thus, it is imperative for you to exercise a certain degree of caution, self-learning, and be responsible for your investments.
This should be the approach even when you are investing in a bank fixed deposit or Public Provident Fund (PPF), the most common instruments suitable for risk-averse investors.
Let us understand these two investment instruments better…

What is a Bank Fixed Deposit?
Bank Fixed Deposits (FDs), also known as term deposits, is the most traditional form of investment in India. You earn a fixed rate of interest on your investment, serving your objective of wealth creation.
There are various types: A bank FD, FD with sweep-in facility, flexi-deposit, special deposits (which come with certain benefits or perks) and so on.
Further, you have the choice to receive interest on your deposit at maturity i.e. cumulative, or non-cumulatively –– either monthly or quarterly for the tenure you choose. A bank fixed deposit of a higher amount will attract a higher interest rate and likewise.
The interest earned on bank FD is taxable as per the provision of the Income-tax Act, 1961; therefore usually tax is deducted at source (TDS).
Here are 10 benefits of a bank FD:
  • Today, a FD can be booked/opened online (most banks have this facility) in few minutes
  • Offers a higher rate of interest than keeping money in a savings account
  • The returns are fixed –– there is no risk as in case of market-linked instruments
  • Encourage savings
  • Facilitates wealth creation
  • You have the flexibility to choose the tenure
  • You can hold multiple FDs with multiple banks
  • You can avail a loan against the bank FD
  • It is a liquid investment (since bank FDs can be prematurely withdrawn)
  • Section 80C deduction for investments in Tax Saving Bank Deposits
 You can start with as little as Rs 5,000, while there isn’t a maximum limit. A bank FD can be opened by:
  • Resident Individuals
  • Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs)
  • Proprietorship Firms
  • Partnership Firms
  • Limited companies
  • Trust
Even NRIs can open a bank FD.
Make it a point to have a nomination. A nominee is a person who will have legal right after your demise. A nominee can be your legal heir (a family member) or anyone who is not a part of the family. You can nominate by filling in the nomination form and submitting it to the bank. For bank FDs held in joint name, the nomination process needs to be carried out jointly by all the holders. Further, a nomination can be made only in individual capacity and not official capacity, using designations. In most cases, one can nominate only individuals and not organizations, barring for certain Trusts.

What is a Public Provident Fund?

PPF is a scheme of the Central Government, framed under the PPF Act of 1968. Briefly, PPF is a Government-backed, long-term small savings scheme which was initiated to provide retirement security to self-employed individuals and workers in the unorganized sector.
So, if you are keen on a safe corpus, earning a decent tax-free rate of return, enjoying tax benefit; then PPF is for you. The contributions (i.e. investments) made to the PPF account, earn a tax-free interest and the maturity proceeds too are exempt from income-tax. Hence, it is said that PPF enjoys an E-E-E (Exempt-Exempt- Exempt) status from an Income-tax angle.
The main features of a PPF account are:
EligibilityApplicant needs to be a Resident Indian
Entry AgeNo age is specified
(Minor is allowed through guardian)
Interest rate7.80% p.a. compounded annually*
Tenure15 financial years (plus the first year of investment)
On completion of 15 years, the account can be extended in a block of 5 years
Minimum InvestmentRs 500 p.a.
Maximum InvestmentRs 1,50,000 p.a.
(A maximum of 12 deposits allowed in a financial year)
Tax BenefitUp to Rs 1,50,000 under Section 80C;
Interest earned is exempt from tax and so are the maturity proceeds
Can be opened atAny Post Office and some authorized branches of Banks
Who cannot investHindu Undivided Family (HUF);
Non-resident Indians (NRIs);
and Person of Foreign Origin
Mode of PaymentCash / Crossed Cheque / Demand Draft / Pay Order / Online Transfer in favour of the Accounts Officer
NominationNomination facility is available
PPF offers loans against the account which can also help you during occasions such as a wedding in the family, higher education of your children, etc. Above all, it gives you a peace of mind as your money is safe.
Keep in mind, you need to be disciplined to make the most of your PPF investment, and also meet your liquidity needs elsewhere; because under this investment avenue your money is blocked for a good 15 years. Have a long-term investment horizon; it can help you in retirement planning as well.

Herein below are some distinguishing points between a bank FD and PPF:
  • Interest Rates
    At present, the rate of interest on a 1-year bank FDs offered by most banks ranges from 5.00% to 7.00% per annum.
    On the other hand, interest rate on PPF is currently 7.8%. This rate is subject to change/reset every three months based on the 10-year G-Sec yield of the previous quarter. This is intended to keep bank deposits competitive and closely aligned to other Small Savings Schemes (SSS) such as National Savings Certificates (NSCs), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY).
  • Maturity or Lock in Period
    There is no lock-in period for bank FDs, except for a Tax Saving Bank FD. The maturity period for a bank FD ranges from 7 days to 10 years.
    But in case of PPF, your money is blocked for the first 5 years and matures only after 15 years. But this instils discipline, particularly if you wish to plan for your golden years by earning a decent rate of return, enjoy tax benefits (deduction and tax free interest), and have a long-term investment horizon.
  • Premature Withdrawals
    Most of the banks give you the flexibility to withdraw the money from fixed deposits before maturity. Meaning, you can prematurely withdraw from bank FD in case of any emergency or financial crisis or owing to any other reason, subject to a penalty (0.5% to 1.0% lower interest than the contracted rate) and other terms & conditions, except for a Tax Saving Bank FD that have a strict lock-in. Hence, always make it a point to read the fine-print before you decide to invest.
    On the other hand, in PPF you are eligible to withdraw money any time after the expiry of 5 years from the end of financial year when the initial subscription was made. This is an amount of not more than 50% of the previous financial year’s balance or the 4th financial year, immediately preceeding the year of withdrawal, whichever is less. You cannot make more than a single withdrawal in a financial year. You need to apply with ‘Form C’ for any withdrawals.
  • Tax benefit and implications
    Only investments in Tax Saving Bank FD are entitled to deduction under Section 80C of the Income-Tax Act (subject to current maximum permissible deduction of Rs 1,50,000 per annum). For the rest, this tax benefit is not available.
    The interest earned on a bank FD, including the tax saving bank FD, is taxable as per one’s income tax slab on accrual basis. If the interest amount exceeds Rs 10,000 the bank will deduct tax at source (TDS) @ 10%, and if you haven’t provided your PAN then @20%.
    PPF on the other hand enjoys an E-E-E status. Meaning, when you invest/contribute you enjoy a tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income-Tax Act, 1961, then the interest earned is not taxable, plus the amount at maturity too is exempt from tax. This makes PPF a tax efficient investment avenue.
  • Loan facility
    Most banks do offer a loan against your fixed deposit. You can avail for a loan upto 80-90% of your fixed deposit amount. The interest charged on such a loan is comparatively lower than for personal (unsecured) loans.
    A loan facility is available on a PPF account too. The first loan can be taken in the 3rd year of opening the account. For example, if the account was opened during the year 2010-11, the first loan can be taken during the year 2012-2013. The loan amount will be restricted to 25% of the balance, including the interest for the year 2010-11 in the account as on 31/3/2011. The loan must be repaid in a maximum of 36 EMIs, i.e. 3 years. You can take a second loan against your PPF account before the end of your 6th financial year, but your second loan can be taken only once your first loan is fully settled.
  • PPF or FD: Which Between the Two Should You Invest in?
    Both PPF and FDs both are worthy investment avenues. But, keep in mind your liquidity needs, interest rate scenario, risk profile, investment objective and inflation before investing your hard-earned money.
    FDs offer easy liquidity, which is not available in PPF. But even while investing in a bank FD, take a well-thought out approach and read the terms & conditions carefully before investing. To maximize the tax benefits, PPF is a promising and investment avenue, particularly when planning your retirement.
    By investing in fixed deposit and PPF, you ensure that you have put your money to work with some amount of security. To accelerate the pace of wealth creation process, you can also consider investing in mutual funds to diversify your investments. Always remember to choose your investment avenues wisely. Adopt a need-based approach; invest in various asset classes, whereby the risk can be managed better while you endeavor to achieve the envisioned financial goals.