Saturday, December 26, 2015

What Are The Benefits Of Sleeping... Naked?

One of the most important activities that keeps us healthy throughout our lives is sleeping. Needless to say that sleeping is as important as eating and when one gets deprived of it, it can cause fatal health issues.

There are certain guidelines for sleeping and it is a universal truth that anything done less or above the level of moderation can be of risk or can cause lethal side effects. It is considered to sleep at least 6 to 8 hours at night depending on the physical attributes of the person. Anyhow, today, let’s see why sleeping naked is advantageous to us.

What Are The Benefits Of Sleeping Naked?


If you are not a naked sleeper, the idea of laying naked in the bed may sound not too comforting but when you actually get used to it, it is. Moreover, it is not just about comfort in the bed but also because you will have to wash less clothes and you might as well save some bucks on pajamas as well. Moreover, it also frees you from tight underwear and bra as well, which obviously makes you more relaxed and happier.

Better Sleep

Most of the people who wear clothes and sleep must have faced a situation in the bed when their clothes get stuck with something, or their t-shirts gets twisted and presses the belly so hard and you wake up with a bad dream. Thus, when you are sleeping naked, you are free from such small distractions and can result in deeper and better sleep.

Improves Skin Quality

If you sleep naked, at least once in a day, for the better, your body will get to breathe fresh air. More importantly, your private parts will also get aired and obviously, that is a great thing. Your private parts, armpits, and feet are generally restricted all day and are often covered by multiple layers, even in the summer time. Give those parts a chance to air out and breathe. This can lower the risk of skin diseases, like athlete’s foot, that result from wet, restricted skin.

Helps Regulate Cortisol

When you sleep naked, it helps keep your body temperature at the optimal ranges so your body can better create cortisol. Therefore, if you sleep overheated, your cortisol levels tend to stay high even after you wake up. This can lead to increased anxiety, cravings for bad food, weight gain, and more terrible things. Thus, sleeping naked can properly produce and regulate cortisol.

Balances Melatonin and Growth Hormone

Sleeping naked can keep your sleeping environment below 70 degrees (F) every night and help your body regulate its melatonin and growth hormone levels. These chemicals help prevent aging and are essential to good health

Monday, December 14, 2015

Natural food over wine!!!

One of the reader had this question to me. “Are below tips to live 100 years?”. My answer was No. Whatever years we live, below could be useful to live happily.

(Why to spend the hard earned money to hospital. More than money, hospital pain is too big)

I have heard many saying, “Wine is good for health, even doctors recommend”. If pharmaceutical companies conduct their doctor meetings in 5 star hotels and provide unlimited Wine, why would not someone recommend Wine? (Politics in medicinal world is beyond our imagination)


Why people say wine is good, because Wine hasPolyphenol. (Polyphenols are abundant micronutrients help in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases). Hold on…. I’m notrecommending Wine. Reason being


1)      Papaya and  Brinjal have more polyphenol than wine, that too natural Polyphenol

2)      No guarantee that Wine has natural polyphenol or synthetic polyphenol.

3)      Wine has other side effects which Papaya or Brinjal dos not have.

Papaya or Brinjal or Wine is your choice. You always have a choice in life